
Pursuing a new goal – whether it is a career-related promotion, a personal do-over, or something else fresh – can lead to a variety of emotions.

Initially, just thinking about improving your life is exciting and inspiring. But then the dreaded cycle kicks in. You know the pattern. When it’s time to take consistent steps to accomplish your goal, fear swoops in and blocks your way.

Are you tired of allowing fear to hijack your goals? Can you use it to help challenge yourself to move forward instead of keeping you stuck?

The answer is to rewire your brain to get where you want to go. Listen to an open secret from the universe: Fear is a constant companion. High achievers get scared, too. But they still take action toward meaningful goals, even as they tell their fears through chattering teeth, “Shut up, and move over, I’ve got work to do.”

Ready to push past your fears and stop derailing your do-overs, desires, and dreams? This acrostic provides eight steps to use as a guide to LOSE FEAR:

Limit negative thinking. Create a mantra or ritual to signal it’s time to work.
Organize a detailed plan with deadlines. Check completed items.
Seek an accountability partner or life coach to help you stay on track.
Embrace fear as a motivating tool and not a momentum stopper. Use it to dig deep.

Foster a growth mindset. Resist inertia. Believe your abilities are flexible, not fixed.
Ensure your goal is clear and a “must” to accomplish and not just a “should.”
Acknowledge that fear never leaves, but tackling a goal minimizes its presence.
Refine your plan when setbacks occur. Let failure teach you how to adapt.

See also
Spotlight: Simulation and Lab Instructor

Use fear as a motivating tool. That’s a winning strategy worth adopting.

Robin Farmer
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