
Get the latest nursing salary statistics in the US

Salaries by Gender


9.1% of RNs are men

7.6% of LPNs are men

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LPNs and RNs by Age


The median age for male RNs licensed in 2000 or later is 35, compared with 31 for female RNs.

  • 43.6 = average age of LPNs in the US
  • 18.3% = percent of LPNs 30 years old or younger
  • 44.6 = average age of an RN in the US
  • 14.8% = percent of RNs 30 years old or younger

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Salaries by Role


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Salaries by Employment Statistics

Nearly 85% of the RN population, or about 2,596,600 RNs, are employed in nursing.


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(RN Employment Setting)

Salaries by Education Level

Which nursing group is most likely to have a bachelor’s degree?
• Asian/Pacific Islander nurses are more likely than all other nurses to have entered the profession with a bachelor’s degree — 69.6% of Asian RNs entered the profession with a bachelor’s or higher degree.

14.6% of black or African-American nurses have related master’s or doctoral degrees, compared to 13.4% of white nurses.



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Salaries by Employer

What is the average number of hours worked a week by an RN?
• An RN works an average 37 hours a week.

What is the average annual salary for a full-time RN?
• The average annual salary for a full-time employed RN is $67,930.

What is the average annual salary for a full-time LPN?
• The average annual salary for a full-time employed LPN is $42,400.

What are the average annual earnings for a staff nurse?
• The average annual salary for a staff nurse is $61,706.

What is the average salary of a nurse who holds a graduate degree?
• A nurse with a master’s or doctoral degree makes an average $87,363 a year.

Nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) have the highest earnings of all employed nurses, averaging $154,390 annually.


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(Pay Rate by Nursing Specialty)


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(Pay Rate by Region)

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