5 Characteristics A Nurse Entrepreneur Should Have

5 Characteristics A Nurse Entrepreneur Should Have

Have you noticed that nurse practitioners are becoming more common in this country?

We are providing patients with essential medical services. We, as nurse practitioners, are able to offer diagnostic and treatment services for a wide range of illnesses. While many nurse practitioners might be happy at an office that is run by someone else, there are some who consider becoming an entrepreneur .

Starting your own nurse practitioner practice can be lucrative and gives you an opportunity to help those patients in need, but you should understand what you are getting into. I personally have been providing patients with care at my clinic for many years and the knowledge I have acquired is invaluable. If you are considering becoming a nurse entrepreneur, be sure to learn more about the top characteristics that others in the industry possess. This way, you can do a more thorough analysis of yourself.

1. The Ability To Be In Control

In one scientific publication, it was found that one of the most important traits for a nurse entrepreneur is the ability to be and remain in control over any type of situation. When you become an entrepreneur and start your own nurse practice, you need to be in charge of various aspects all at once. You need to be a leader and have the ability to recognize situations that may spiral out of control quickly – and then take charge to avoid such problems. For me, the ability to act fast and be in control at all times is critical to the success of my practice.

2. The Ability To Analyze A Situation And Know When It’s Okay To Take A Risk

Another critical characteristic lies in your ability to take risks at the right times. There are many risks that have to be taken to succeed in the business world. Understanding how these risks will play out and when it is appropriate to take such a risk is critical. I often find myself taking risks, but only when I am able to understand how my decisions might play out.

3. A Need For Achievement

You should have a desire for achievement. Once you have established your new office, you need to recognize the fact that there is always room to grow. You should know how to set goals – both short term and long-term goals. You should also know how to continue striving toward those goals, ultimately ensuring a consistency in achievements reached.

4. Innovation

Innovation – the ability to adapt to new things – is a characteristic that is now more critical than ever before in a nurse practitioner. You should be able to adapt to the latest technological advancements that have been made. Plus, you need to be able to accept new changes in the industry and ensure you always have the latest treatments for patients. 

5. Ambiguity Tolerance

Finally, ambiguity tolerance is another characteristic that you definitely need. As a nurse practitioner, there will be times where the result of something you strived for turns out as a disappointment. You should be able to bounce back and avoid thinking negatively about such events.


As a nurse entrepreneur, I have a lot of responsibilities. Understanding what it takes is important. I believe that the characteristics outlined in this post are crucial to nurse practitioners who are looking to take the entrepreneurial route.