
Our Nurse of the Week is Linda Davis, 57, who recently retired from her 35-year career as a registered nurse in a cardiac rehab program. Over the course of her career, Davis touched a lot of hearts, sometimes literally. She spent 25 of her 35 years as a registered nurse in the cardiac rehab program of Washington Adventist Hospital in Takoma Park, MD. She also spent many of those years running the program.

Davis had been thinking about retiring for some time, and realized on June 27 this year that it was the 25 year anniversary of when she began working at Washington Adventist Hospital. She took it as a sign that it was time to retire.

Davis tells washingtonpost.com , “I’ve had people ask me, ‘Isn’t it boring to do the same job for so long?’ I always say no, because it’s something I believe in.”

Davis’s career working for a cardiac rehab program was inspired by her first job as a nurse at Washington Hospital Center where she dealt with a variety of patients. After a few years on the job, telemetry was introduced to the hospital, which gives healthcare professionals the ability to monitor a patient’s vital signs remotely.

Telemetry introduced Davis to the intricacies of the heart, and she found the jagged lines of its rhythms sketched on paper and computer screens fascinating. In 1994, she decided to join the cardiac rehab program at Washington Adventist to work with patients as they recovered from their heart attacks. Now her job involves working with patients who are recovering from a heart attack by leading them through gentle exercise and counseling them on diet and relaxation.

To learn more about Linda Davis, who recently retired from her 35-year career as a registered nurse in a cardiac rehab program, visit here.

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