
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Nurse

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Basic description

Plastic and reconstructive surgical nurses care for patients undergoing cosmetic surgery to correct esthetic problems (e.g., face lift, breast augmentation), or to reconstruct some part of the body from disease, accident, or malformations (e.g., skin lesions and tumors, congenital deformities, facial fractures, burns, ulcers, varicose veins, reconstruction after cancer surgery). There is often a great deal of patient happiness and appreciation following the surgery. Opportunities exist to work in hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, and office practices.

Educational requirements

Registered nurse preparation is required. Certification is available as a Certified Plastic Surgical Nurse through the Plastic Surgical Nursing Certification Board, Inc.

Core competencies/skills needed

■ Skills in patient care
■ Specialized teaching about the patient’s particular operative procedure
■ Perioperative and postoperative care
■ Excellent communication skills
■ Consideration of clients’ needs

Related Web sites and professional organizations

■ The American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Nurses (www.karpinskimd.com/ASPRSN.html )
■ American Society of Plastic Surgical Nurses (www.aspsn.org/)

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