
Social media is everywhere now, but more often than not, we find ourselves trapped in reading negative news stories or following toxic accounts that make us feel frustrated about ourselves or the world around us.

It’s hard to unplug from social media, so why not follow nurses posting about their nursing journey? 

Here are nurses’ social media accounts about humor, nursing, and mental health; you might find someone you can relate to or laugh with.

Nurse Kay @nurseewithsign

This nurse influencer is different from other social media influencers. Instead of posting content solely on lifestyle, Kay takes a different turn. In her scrubs, she goes to a different location in New York City and holds up signs about issues affecting nurses today. She’s brought attention to work-related exhaustion, ageism, low bonuses, and work-life balance, with her signs reading “It’s call out season” for National Nurses Week or “Compassion fatigue is real” about going to work tired and looking beyond her job to find joy.

Even though these issues may sound stressful to some, Kay also talks about encouraging, motivational topics like her “nurse squad” or job switching when your work environment isn’t a fit anymore. Anyone (not just nurses) can find her content inspirational if they’re going through stress and burnout and want to feel like they’re not alone. Find her on Instagram at @nurseewithsign .

Angelica @mentalhealthnurseangelica

A registered psychiatrist nurse, Angelica writes about mental health issues, like what her work consists of, how to manage “down days,” and tips on managing balance between work and play. For anyone struggling with their mental health or wanting to learn more about psychiatric care, you can find her highlighting her nursing wins and the reward she finds helping patients in psych care.

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She also documents her life with eczema and suggests products that manage her flare-ups. Follow her Instagram at @mentalhealthnurseangelica.

Nicole Lee @nursinglifesimplified

If you’re a working nurse out of graduate school, then you might relate to Nicole’s nursing journey. She posts “day in the life” videos about her shifts but also has documented her pre-shift anxiety and how it feels to start a new job after graduating. Nurses can find her posts relatable in how she captures her shaky journey out of college to growing in her field and learning more about how to care for her patients. She’s on Instagram and TikTok, as @nursinglifesimplified.

Cate Joanne @catejoanne

Cate is a nursing student who posts about her life in and out of nursing school. She shows her reality in nursing school, documenting her ups and downs studying and completing 12-hour clinicals. Nursing students can find her posts motivating and honest about nursing school-related things, like critical care terms, burnout, and even caffeinated drinks. You can find her on Instagram and TikTok at @catejoanne.

Operating Room and Nurse Humor @orgels

If you’re tired and want to scroll for hours watching funny nursing TikToks, follow @orgels. The creator is an operating room nurse who posts on what it’s like as a nurse in healthcare. She also takes you behind her work as an operating room nurse. Any nurse can follow her posts to understand why they decided to work in nursing and what weekend call shifts feel like. She’s also on Instagram at @or_gerl.s.

Karie Pinnix
Latest posts by Karie Pinnix (see all)
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Empathy and Telehealth Nursing
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