Stephanee Beggs Talks About Going From Side Gig to CEO

Stephanee Beggs Talks About Going From Side Gig to CEO

Imagine coming up with an idea to help yourself, and then you thought it might help other people too, well, something like what happened to Stephanee Beggs, BSN, RN. But she was doing training videos to help herself be able to study for the NCLEX exam during COVID-19.

She had no idea at the time that a video of hers would go viral, leading to a multi-million-dollar business and being selected as one of Forbes 30 under 30.

Beggs, 28, answers questions about this whirlwind experience and why she’s still working as a nurse in an emergency department of a hospital in Los Angeles. Because she’s also the CEO of RNExplained, which, as she says, is “an educational platform that offers nursing study sheets and tips/tricks for nursing students and nurses across the globe.”

Beggs sat down with Daily Nurse to talk about how she went from side gig to CEO.

Usually, nurses don’t hold the position of CEO as a side gig. Explain how this all came about. What was it like to go unintentionally viral?

I was studying for my NCLEX exam when the pandemic began. We were in quarantine when I graduated and began to study for the NCLEX. I didn’t have anybody to study for the exam with, so I started recording myself teaching concepts that were hard for me to grasp. It helped me better understand a topic when I could speak it out loud and play it back..

At the time, I posted one of my teaching videos on social media, which went viral. After that, I began to post more teaching videos that gained thousands of followers from students across the nation.

Shortly after that, I launched RNExplained, which offers more than 308 various medical conditions in digital and print forms and educational videos on social media.

Becoming unintentionally viral made me realize that many nursing students worldwide have the same learning style as I do.

What does your company offer nurses? Please explain why these study sheets are important.

Too often in nursing school, we are given a dense amount of information to read/study, which becomes incredibly overwhelming. My study sheets aim to teach various nursing topics clearly and concisely without all the fluff.

I cover 300+ topics that are taught and tested on in nursing school and the NCLEX. It’s extremely important to find a resource that breaks down information in the most appealing way, and I am confident that RNExplained does that.

What did you think when you were selected for the Forbes 30 under 30 list?  

I was extremely shocked, yet I felt blessed to be chosen as a Lister. I sometimes can be hard on myself and think someone deserves that honor more than I do, but I remind myself that I worked so hard to be here and earn that title.

Your “side hustle” has already made $2 million in sales. So why do you still work as a full-time night shift nurse in the ER?

My love for working bedside and having direct patient care hasn’t faded. I genuinely enjoy working in the emergency department and getting to critically think in real life with real people. I could not have that job, but it’s another part of me that I have a passion for, and I want to experience it as well. 

How did you become a pharmacology professor at Mount St. Mary’s? What kind of education or certification did you need to do that?

One of the directors of my alma mater nursing program offered me the position. She had seen my success and felt like my teaching style would fit the program well.

Do you still speak out on social media with nursing educational tools?

I do! I post a handful of times weekly on my social media accounts with various educational tips, tricks, and real-life experiences. I try to incorporate some learning “lessons” into everything I post. On some days, I will create educational content for students; on others, I aim to cater to new graduates.

Is RNExplained, Inc. now providing you with passive income? Or do you still have to be involved with the company by creating new study sheets, etc.?

It is! Most of my products are sold digitally, so I receive passive income each time I make a sale. I also offer a handful of tangible products, and my aunt ships out all of those products! I am highly involved in the company still. My aunt has helped with the shipping and many administrative tasks, and we work daily for the company.

What are your biggest challenges with this new business? What are your greatest rewards?

The biggest challenge is learning how to grow and scale the business. RNExplained has grown organically, and I’m learning how to continue that growth.

The greatest reward of having a social media presence is the feedback I get from students in my DMs or messages. Knowing that nursing students trust me to guide them through nursing school is one of the best rewards.

I put my all into this company, and it’s comforting to know that others are reaping the benefits.

You’re an influencer in the nursing field. Tell me about that. Do you feel any responsibility that comes with that?

I feel a sense of responsibility for the position that I have in the nursing community. So I go through a series of checklists before I post anything on social media to ensure that what I put into the community is valuable, factual, educational, and positive. People around the world value my opinion and take my advice, so I try to be mindful of what I say and how I say it.

How do you maintain a healthy work/life balance?

I try my best to stay active and take at least one hour a day to work out. I’ve had a trainer for a few years now who has helped me stay committed in the gym, and it has become my favorite form of self-care. Aside from that, I keep my work and social life in two separate boxes. I stay present and turn off the nurse/influencer mode when I’m with my friends.