
Our Nurse of the Week is Christina Van Der Weide , a nurse at Mercy Health St. Mary’s in Grand Rapids, Michigan, who won Halo’s Most Interesting Nurse in the World contest. Weide was chosen from five finalists across the US and, as the winner, will enjoy a $5,000 vacation—the perfect gift as she loves to travel!

Weide began her nursing career in Alberta, Canada, at 19 years old. She has worked in both Canada and the US, including general and ortho surgery, medical telemetry, palliative/oncology, pain clinics, rehab, and ER and ambulatory care. She has also trained and competed in Thai boxing, Brazilian Jujitsu, mixed martial arts and Krav Maga (Israeli self-defense), run half and full marathons, and spent eight months training for an Olympic triathlon and Ironman to raise funds for cancer research in honor of her brother.

She also travels and volunteers extensively both nationally and internationally. She loves adventures and has been white water rafting, paragliding, hang gliding, ridden ostriches, caving, bungee-jumping, and more.

Weide tells PRNewswire.com, “It’s super exciting. I’m so grateful for this amazing opportunity and to my colleagues who were so supportive and more optimistic than I was that I had a chance to win. The idea that there’s a prize for living my dream is unbelievable. I never expected to be rewarded for doing what I love. Thank you so much for this, Halo and all the people who voted for me.”

To read more about Christina Van Der Weide, the winner of Halo’s Most Interesting Nurse in the World contest, visit here.

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