
The University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and UC Health have partnered together to launch a new program for nurses working full-time who want to further their education. The RN to BSN Online Cohort Program will provide free tuition to a select group of UC Health nurses, who will be able to obtain a BSN through the UC College of Nursing over 12 months.

“We’re excited to see our partnership with UC Health get broader and stronger every day,” UC College of Nursing Dean Greer Glazer told the UC Health Media Room. “The UC College of Nursing has a long-standing reputation of educating nurse leaders, and we are honored to have the opportunity to educate a passionate, intelligent group of leaders to continue our legacy within the Academic Health Center.”

To qualify for the free tuition and 12-month program, nurses must be employed at least a year by UC Health and agree to continue working at UC Health for at least two years after completing the program. The UC Health nursing leadership will select students to participate over the next three years.

“Nurse leaders will consider an employee’s dedication to UC Health values, mission statement and vision, the recommendations from management and other nurse leadership, employment history with UC Health, work ethic and previous academic achievement,” UC Health communications consultant Elizabeth Bielman told The News Record.

The program consists of nine courses and allows students to choose between part-time and full-time, to accommodate their working schedules. Students will take three courses each fall, spring, and summer semester to finish their BSN degree within 12 months.

Clarence Pauley, UC Health senior vice president and chief human resources officer, shared with the UC Health Media Room: “This program embodies a critically important component of our tripartite mission of providing education, clinical research and the highest standard of patient care. UC Health strongly believes in investing in advancement and growth opportunities for its nurses, who are integral to the patient journey and to our organization.”

Lily Miller
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